Sorry for the English
We have another thread about this, but i can not write there
I have found the problem
Everything comes from the fuel regulator
It has two functions
The first is to hold the pressure of the fuel at 3.5 bar
And second - when the car is not running, the fuel can not be put back in the tank and have a residual pressure in the fuel line
This regulator is located on the pump housing
I do not know whether it is sold as a spare part, I bought it new pump
Represents a plate which is bent by a pressure of the fuel
After a while time, the plate becomes softer and the car does not hold 3.5 bar
Besides when you dont use the car for some hours in the fuel line pressure drops and is so difficult to start the engine
Can be used and pump from Stilo
Here the regulator is much better, and is sold as a separate part
To find out if your problem is coming from the regulator must make two simple test s
Must be mount gauge on the fuel rail
Looking at the pressure on working engine - should be 3.5 bar
Then turn off the engine and monitor the pressure
If everything is OK, there must be a residual pressure 1-2-3 bar in a few hours